Well sorry for not blogging for a while, I have been busy with family life & a road trip down to Brisbane to see my Aunt & Uncle, who are doing a world cruise on Aurora. I just had to go & see them for the day with all my family, we had the best day ever!

This is the Atrium, which is one of the main areas of the ship. Here you would board to get to your cabins, the photographers to pick up your pictures, the shops, the Purser's Desk to change your currency, book your tours or listen to the pianist playing as you walk by to one of the bars. Isn't it spectacular?
Here we all are 16 of us at Mooloolaba for the day. That's as far as we could go as we didn't want my Uncle & Aunt to miss the ship; they only had 10 hours in port!
I think cruising is a great holiday, especially for familys. They have a great kids club, the entertainment is fantastic, you wake up in a different port nearly every day with out having to keep packing your suitcase, your bed is made for you and the food is amazing. Make sure you diet before hee hee!!
I miss my time on the ocean waves, it was one of the best jobs I had. I saw the world, got paid for it, & it was the best way to learn about geography!
Elaine :)
Images P&O cruises
Hi Elaine!
My parents are great 'cruisers' and have travelled on some of the most spectacular liners in the world.
Me not so much. I had a ghastly experience at the start of 2009 and it will take A LOT to get me back on a cruise ship.
Thank you for your lovely, lovely note today.
You always make me smile and knowing that you waved hello as you passed the sign for Noosa made me feel special.
Hugs to you dear one,
Felicity xx
Fabulous Elaine
I was looking at the details of these cruises just the other day.. [in the weekend paper i think]
When I was in my twenties I went on the Oriana and loved it.. it was my first time out of the country.. and of course back then kicking ones heels up on a cruise did not involve criminal acts as it does on the younger cruises these days [gee. i sound old.. hahaha]
Hope your aunt and uncle have a wonderful time and I'd love to hear how they enjoyed it after the trip
Ciao.. have a great week.. xxxx Julie
Looks like you had a such a fun day up at lovely Mooloolaba !! Wow that cruise ship looks just beautiful.
Wow, what a magnificent ship.
I'd have to agree! It's always lovely to cruise! Have a wonderful time, Kellie xx
HI, E,
How did the tooth go?
Your guy answering his phone sounded like a word rhyming with kick.
Glad your head's in the right place now.
Still hunting for your email but I know it's in here somewhere.
The ship looked amazing, must be some cruise!
Going to try and blog properly soon, have been having problems coping at home don't want to whinge on my blog) but leaving hospital has upped the ante in pain. Pharmacist Husband does not offer sympathy, just lectures me on taking pills, pills, and more pills. Now they are all webster packed, with days, dates, times and names. And I get quizzed on have I taken them, then he goes and checks the webster packs to see that I have.
This is all very sensible, but when you are literally screaming in pain,shaking so much you can't pour a glass of water, you don't respond with - Oh thank you for that sage advice. Tee hee. I've surprised myself with the amount of fire and brimstone I can let loose, without swearing.
BAck to work for you now, I suppose,
cheers, and thanks for chasing me up on my blog, I've been very slow with both blogging and reading my favs and responding since I got home,
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