Monday, March 21, 2011

Las Vegas!!

Linen Cushions

I was so honoured when Harry Harry fabrics Australia asked me to make some items to take with them for when they headed out to do a trade show in Las Vegas to launch there venture in the USA.

Linen bag with flower

The flowers are on clips so they can be worn on clothes, in the hair or attached to a little bag like in this photo.

Linen Apron

I made a few of these for the girls to wear at the trade show.

Their site

I felt so proud when I saw my cushions hanging on their stand; you can follow Harry Harry's blog here.
Or see what gorgeous European fabrics they have on their web site here.  You will be seeing more of there fabrics soon as I have picked out a few for making some curtains up for my new house.

Have a great week.

Elaine :)


Tiffany Kadani said...

Congrats! That is so exciting and they are so cute and chic. Lovely talent you have!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

How wonderful Elaine
and how beautiful your work is.. the cushions are so sweet.. and I love those aprons too.. especially the colour...You are so talented...

Have a wonderful week.. ciao xxx Julie

Harry Harry Fabrics said...

Your gorgeous flowers and your flower cushions were an absolute hit ! Well Done!

Anonymous said...

I am getting to you I promise.
I opened my box, in between reading 200 resumes.
It was gorgeous, you made my day, so pleased I held off opening it till today.
Lots problems with back, it's gotten worse, but have appt for 2nd opinion so being proactive.
Thank you letter will be coming, I hope I can catch up with work by weekend so I can concentrate on catching up with all your posts I'm missed reading.

I'm staggered that my work did not do itself while I was so incapacitated. Surely it knew that I was struggling. Terribly inconsiderate.

Kellie Collis said...

The cushions look lovely! And that skirt is just fabulous! Have a gorgeous day, Kellie xx

la la Lovely said...

Elaine.... you are so talented!!!! And thank you for the letting me know about Harry Harry Fabrics.. I'll def check it out and glad you found a fun little getaway at McD's with the wifi :) You're kitchen is looking gorge by the way. Can't wait to see it all finished!
xo Trina

Felicity said...

Wow Elaine I don't know how I missed this post.

Harry Harry is one of my absolute fave fabric designers {my favourite bedroom setting features their fabric} and it was with great excitement that I read this feature about your collaboration with them.

Congratulations, you are such a clever lady.

xx Felicity