Sunday, August 7, 2011
Calico Child
Hi every one just wanted to let you all know I have started a new blog its taken me so long to realise that I can make & sell my own products, & I should just go for it so thank you to my family for believing in me.
I would also like to thank Harry Harry, Felicity from Gifts of Serendipity & Thea from Thea & Sami for being such lovely blogging friends & sending me gorgeous comments to get me to just start telling every one about my venture. I hope you will follow me on my new journey.
Calico child is about me just making items from gorgeous fabrics or turning old items into something new, I some times can keep a piece of fabric for ages before I truly find its true place, Thea will tell you that she laughs at me but I will be showing that garment real soon just hope Thea loves it after the long wait hee.
I hope to see you over at Calico Childs new blog I have done a few posts just to settle in which I hope you will enjoy reading thanks again for your support with exquisite accessories it has been a learning journey for me & I feel this change will be what I need!
Many thank's you are all truly an Inspiration xxx
Image Calico child designed by Fig & willow
Friday, July 22, 2011
Yummy lunch
My Mum & Dad are staying at the moment so busy with them I have just got a project under way for my dad to do will show you later!
Just wanted to show a picture of my lovely lunch mum has just made for me.
2 slices of toasted bread buttered
poached egg
Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan once getting brown add the required spinach keep stirring till it wilts you can add a little basmatic vinegar while its cooking if you want too.
I have a poaching pan so it can be done at the same time on the stove only takes a couple of minutes to poach.
Once you have buttered the toast just add the spinach, mushrooms & poached egg, sit down & enjoy its delicious, well I think so.
Thanks Mum. :)
Images my own
Thanks Mum. :)
Images my own
Monday, June 13, 2011
Well we are in the house & I kept changing the furniture around I feel like Diane Keating from "Because I said so" (one of the movies I watched on the sofa while being ill).
I am sorry I haven't been around blogging I got run down from the move I think & caught a nasty bug, it wiped me out for a week, I lived on my sofa as I was to tired to move. :(
I was glad to be in my new home though as I felt cosy with my new surroundings, I am slowly on the mend not 100% but getting better. :))
Any way I thought I would share with you my front entrance which I have a feeling I will probably change, the book case will go once I find that nice piece of furniture that's in my head & until I see it I cannot explain, you know what I mean? There has to be a nice green plant in that corner I know that!
The Venetian mask is from one of my visits to Venice, its been in a box for 2 years so I am so glad when I opened it there was no mould on it (phew).
The gold frame I got from a frame shop it was damaged so got a bargain I will fix it up, I don't know weather to do a chalk board or put a piece of glass in it?
And finale the Rocking horse is my family heirloom its an Airs horse which my Grandad brought for me & my sister when we were little kids; we called him "Dobbin" & had many adventures with him.
He must be well over 100 years old by now & I am so glad I got him restored doesn't he look dappa!!
More soon thanks for stopping by :))
Lainey x
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Loving my front door's
Home Sweet Home
Well I never thought I'd see the day we would be in our new home its seemed to go on for so long with all the weather hold ups, I have been so busy with the move I haven't had a chance to do a blog or catch up with you all for such a long time so sorry!!
I am hoping to be back in the full swing of things a.s.a.p. with lots of pictures for you all to have a peek at, hope you like my front doors? I love them they bring a smile to my face every evening I get home from work, school pick up etc.
Just a sneek peek of the kitchen will show you some before, afters & a bigger view real soon, I love the glass ginger & squat jars, my supplier only has them in red or black at the moment, I hope they get them back in the clear glass as they look so nice.
Great to be back & catching up with all your lovely blogs!
Elaine :) x
Monday, April 18, 2011
Loving White at Whiteport!
There are some lovely products over at Whiteport which I love & could see in my new house I already have a spot for them.
1, Butler Tray Bedside tables.
2, Photo Album Found all my family photoes, ideal spot for them.
3, Butterfly Frame I could hang this picture over my desk.
4, Cookie Cutters Loving this cute tin which hold's all the cookie cutters.
5, Florence Urn Anywere its gorgeous.
6, Candel You just know the fragrance will be exquiste.
7, Leather boxes Wouldn't have trouble finding items to fill these.
I could have picked alot more, do you like any?
Have a great week
Elaine :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rain rain go away!!
Don't know about you but I am so over the rain! I want my house to be finished, its seems like for ever (well it is) but trying so hard not to moan!! Just a sneeky peek.
Nearly finished
So so close; all inside is nearly done, the outside is holding us up. With all this rain we cannot get the trenches in for the septic tank & we need that up & running before we can even think about getting in.
Have been looking at fabrics this is what I am getting for my bedroom, its from Harry Harry Fabrics they have width's of 280cm on a lot of there fabrics, so no seems for my window, hope you like it as much as I do? Cannot wait to start making the curtains.
Hope it's not to long before I move in & can show you around. Here's to a dry weekend for us all in Queensland!!
Elaine :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Las Vegas!!
Linen Cushions
I was so honoured when Harry Harry fabrics Australia asked me to make some items to take with them for when they headed out to do a trade show in Las Vegas to launch there venture in the USA.
Linen bag with flower
The flowers are on clips so they can be worn on clothes, in the hair or attached to a little bag like in this photo.
Linen Apron
I made a few of these for the girls to wear at the trade show.
Their site
I felt so proud when I saw my cushions hanging on their stand; you can follow Harry Harry's blog here.
Or see what gorgeous European fabrics they have on their web site here. You will be seeing more of there fabrics soon as I have picked out a few for making some curtains up for my new house.
Have a great week.
Elaine :)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Buttons & Fabric
All in a row
And now ready to go!
Just finished making these for a lady who wanted something blue for around her pool area. I think she will love them do you? Got to dash & deliver these lovelys.
Elaine :)
All images my own!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Well sorry for not blogging for a while, I have been busy with family life & a road trip down to Brisbane to see my Aunt & Uncle, who are doing a world cruise on Aurora. I just had to go & see them for the day with all my family, we had the best day ever!

This is the Atrium, which is one of the main areas of the ship. Here you would board to get to your cabins, the photographers to pick up your pictures, the shops, the Purser's Desk to change your currency, book your tours or listen to the pianist playing as you walk by to one of the bars. Isn't it spectacular?
Here we all are 16 of us at Mooloolaba for the day. That's as far as we could go as we didn't want my Uncle & Aunt to miss the ship; they only had 10 hours in port!
I think cruising is a great holiday, especially for familys. They have a great kids club, the entertainment is fantastic, you wake up in a different port nearly every day with out having to keep packing your suitcase, your bed is made for you and the food is amazing. Make sure you diet before hee hee!!
I miss my time on the ocean waves, it was one of the best jobs I had. I saw the world, got paid for it, & it was the best way to learn about geography!
Elaine :)
Images P&O cruises
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Adopt an Elephant!
Today is my wedding anniversary 14 years, wow that sounds so many but to be honest it seems like a few the years have just flown by, my husband Rob always makes an effort with my anniversary gift finds the meaning & try's to be different.
Well this year the traditional gift is Ivory, well he knows I would not want anything with Ivory, we both feel the same about the cruel killings of elephants just for there tusks, so my pressy this year is adopting a baby pygme Elephant from Africa the money will go to the care of this little gorgeous baby.
I am so pleased cannot wait to get the paper work through the post with my certificate, my daughter said "oohh can we go to Africa one year to see how she is doing" Oh Rob you have opened a can of worms now!!
Thanks Rob its the best :))
Elaine x
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day!
Thought I would share some of my likes that are red for this Valentines day! I love these paintings from Wall candy they are on my wish list, I want the two, is that been greedy?
Pure linen have some lovely table runners, I love this red one it certainly makes a statement! They have an online shop you can go & mooch around (Here).
Show Stopper
A jewellery maker I knew, who once lived in Paddington, made this delightful piece. He has since moved to New Zealand with his business & I cannot for the life of me find his web site!!! My computer is going crazy, once I find it I will link to him.
I don't think I could wear the necklace, or could I? Ooh just imagine wearing that at the Moulin Rouge in Paris with feathers & all, oh la la!!
Hope your Valentines day has been special! I'm of to do the can can (in my dreams of course) hee
Elaine :)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to my gorgeous Cavoodle Bella she is 5 years old today. Oh I'm so soft but she's such a princess I just had to share her with you.
Can't miss out Siri, gosh she has grown. She is three times as big as Bella & only 1 year old. She's a Labradoodle; I love my doddle's (hee); such good family pets so loving & they don't moult which is great, no hairs any where!!
She is going to paint them for me hanging of a vintage suitcase like this gorgeous Dalmatian. This painting has been entered into an art show which you can read about here, Lara also has an Etsy shop
Once its done I will look forward in sharing it with you. Just got to snap that perfect shot when I can get my darlings to sit still for 5 minuets
Elaine :)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Kitchen inspiration!
Heather Bullard
I love Heather Bullard's style especially her cute kitchen. Just thought I would share a few of my favourite's with you.
I love this kitchen; its from my friends show room in Brisbane HOC. It has inspired me on the design of mine, so looking forward to showing you once its finished. Fingers crossed it will look as good as this.
Unknown source (sorry)
I love the pantry door, I am doing something similar. Will have to make sure I get some nice storage containers so it looks tidy. If you see any please let me know!!
Elaine :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
House Build!
My house build is so many weeks behind with all this crazy weather that we have been having, I have no good pictures to show, not that I am complaining, I am so lucky to even have a house with cyclone Yasi just passing to the north.
I just wanted to share with you one of the lights I ordered, that has just arrived for over the dinning table I have yet to find: so hard to find a round white table to sit six!
Just wanted to share with you something pretty to look at!!
Elaine :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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Image Bureau of Meteorology
Well this is the day when Im just going to hold my breath and pray that Yasi stays on this path as we are to the south in Mackay. I feel so guilty thinking this as there are so many people that are going to be affected by this terrible cyclone!!
As we are in a relatively low lying area our suitcases are packed just in case we have to move to high ground because of the sea surges that can happen, just sitting tight waitting to see what mother nature throws at Queensland yet again!!
My thought are with every one that are going to be affected by this scary system!!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Cute Earrings!!
I won these cute little earring from 647 Creations Flood Auction Appeal Yay!!! They had quite a few lovely pieces of jewellery up for auction so kind!!
I think I have lost the earrings already to my daughter who is awaiting there arrival :)
If you want to see some of the cute pieces of Jewellery just follow (here) it will take you to the face book page. Have a relaxing Sunday
Elaine :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Auction winner!
Beach Bag
Congratulations to Nadine who won the bid on my beach bag thank you for donating $100 to the Premier flood appeal its in the post as I write, sent you a little heart too for being so generous!
Thanks Elaine :)
Image: The Feathered Nest Exquisite Accessories
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Baking Day!
Hope what ever you did for Australia day was a good day spent with family & friends! I thought I would do some baking & have a go at making mini meringues (never made it for some reason)?
First I did some pie cases (cheated here) they were pre made so got them from the frezzer and baked for 10 mins on 180 deg once they came out the oven & cooled I put a spoon full of lemon curd with 1 strawberry cut in half on top. Turn oven down to 90 deg ready for meringues.
Now for the meringue easier than I thought, I did have to put on the A/C though as if its raining or high humidity they can flop due to extra moister getting into the mixture (didnt want to take the chance).
I got 4 eggs & divided the whites from the yolks best to do each one over a seperate bowl, I know more washing up but you dont want to waste the eggs if any of the yolk gets into the whites you have to start over again as it just will not fluff up.
Add a pinch of salt to the whites or cream of tartar if you wish it helps stabailise the meringue.
I put my whites & salt in a blender and gradualy added 1 cup of caster sugar not to fast, not to slow then kept blending for 3 minutes untill it looked thick & glossy.
Line a baking tray with a sheet of baking paper I used a teaspoon & tablespoon to create a little mound of mixture & placed on baking sheet once created (phew). I placed in the oven wait for it 1 & 1/2 hours.
They turned out like this, Yay!! I was so pleased they didnt flop :)
Then place on top to finish off, they were so dilicious & the lemon curd was not as tarty as I thought it would taste, every one loved them (relief). I turned of the oven left a tray load (mixture makes heaps) for a couple of hours & they were really crunchy would be good crumbled up with some berries & ice-cream better not make any more for a while with all that sugar :)
Hope you liked my recipe? Have you made meringues & if so did they turn out okay?
Elaine :)
Images my own Recipe:
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sending some hearts!!
There have been so many kind bloggers who I know & some I have just meet this past couple of weeks, they have given so much of there time racing around doing so many different things to help out with the Queensland floods appeal I just had to send you all one of my hearts I have been making just to say I think your great. Will be intouch so I can send them of to you A.S.A.P
You should all be proud of yourselves!
Elaine x
Image property of The Feathered Nest exquisite accessories
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Qld flood Appeal Auction
Well I hope you have all found something to bid on, or brought into the many raffles going, I have my bid placed & await the result in the raffle, It has been so much fun getting to meet many other talented bloggers out there in the world of craft, I must say hand made rocks & the money is going to such a good course, I feel honourd to have been apart of this great event that Toni from make it perfect has organised.
Dont forget the time has changed for the end of bidding on Monday 24th January too 9pm wishing you all much luck for all the items you wanted to buy hope you manage to get something!!!
Elaine :)
Images Flood appeal banner, Earrings 647 Creations, Beach bag Exquisite Accessories Book Toni Coward
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